The Concert, by Gerard van Honthorst (1590-1656)
Tales of Two Cities: Paris and London
In this program, Ensemble members Pascale Beaudin, Loretta O'Sullivan, and Andrew Appel are joined by viola da gambist Beiliang Zhu, lute player Scott Pauley, and flautist David Ross for a program of songs and suites from the worlds of Shakespeare, Sheridan, Racine, and Voltaire!
Concert & Reception: $100
19th Century Apple Barn
Lindsay & Brian Shea, hosts
Germantown, NY
Pascale Beaudin, soprano
David Ross, flute
Beiliang Zhu, viola da gamba
Loretta O'Sullivan, cello
Scott Pauley, lute
Andrew Appel, harpsichord
Shakespeare the theater
Lute songs of Morley, Campion, Arne
William Byrd & John Dowland
Lute and Virginal pieces
Lambert & Rameau
Airs de cours
François Couperin
Pieçes de viols--Second Suite
Chaconne for flute & violin
The English so enjoyed cobbling insults that always included FRENCH this or that! Yet, Elizabeth I, not an easy conquest, almost gave her heart to the prince known as Monsieur from Paris. Later on, the restoration of the monarchy after Cromwell was a French styled transformation. Yet, the theater of Shakespeare is sprawling, tumbling genius contrasting with the tragedy of Racine which is carved marble perfection. The Parisian air de cour is precious and tender while the London lute songs of Dowland and Morley are bawdy and overly emotional. This program is a real Tale of Two Cities.