The Four Nations Ensemble
The George and Elie Warburg
Concert Series
Three Divas
Church of the Holy Trinity
New York City
Time & Space Limited
Hudson, NY
François Couperin
Pieces de Claveçin
Andrew Appel, harpsichord
from Orchid Classical Recordings
Orchid Classical Recordings will release Andrew Appel’s performances of Couperin's complete works for harpsichord in monthly installments. Subscribe and enjoy the world of tender expression, sentiment, and beautiful sound as only Couperin le Grand created.
Available for Streaming
Gifts from the
Four Nations Ensemble
Support Us
Send your donation to Four Nations Inc, PO Box 1112, Hudson NY 12324
Your donation, so appreciated, is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
A written acknowledgment will be sent to you.